Give your child the gift of musical skills that build confidence and creativity

Overture offers a hands-on, music-filled after-school adventure. Led by passionate and engaging professional musician mentors, our sessions bring learning to life through music and technology. These 60-minute weekly sessions, with small groups of no more than 12 participants.

Sign up for lessons that kids actually love

Overture's curriculums receive a 9.5 out of 10 NPS score from both the staff and kids

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Our offers

Rocking the Science of Sound
(3rd-5th Grade)

Sound Wave Explorers: Dive into the science of sound and learn how waves create the music we hear.

Rhythm Builders: Use digital tools to create unique rhythms and experiment with beats.

Math in Melodies: Uncover the hidden patterns in music and see how they shape melodies.

Digital Composition Lab: Compose and layer sounds using technology to create original songs.

Jam Sessions: Collaborate with peers to share and perform musical creations.

Achievement Unlocked: Progress through levels and earn badges for learning and mastering key music and STEM skills.

Create Your Own Song: Finish the program by composing an original song to share and showcase!

Mastering Music and Technology (6th-8th Grade)

Sound Science Lab: Explore the physics of sound and how different tones and pitches are created.

Digital Beat Making: Experiment with digital tools to produce unique beats and rhythms.

Music Math: Discover how patterns in rhythm and pitch bring structure to music.

Composition with Code: Learn computational thinking by creating music through coding and digital composition tools.

Tech in Music Production: Dive into the technology behind music production, from audio editing to sound mixing.

Collaborative Jams: Work with classmates to co-create, perform, and remix music pieces.

Achievement Levels: Unlock badges as you master new skills in digital music and STEM concepts.

Compose an Original Track: Conclude the program by composing and producing an original song to share and celebrate!

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Invest in your child’s future, nurture creativity and curate a lifelong love of music!

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