Empower the next generation of creative leaders through music games
Overture Games is a Northwestern University funded organization that provides highly creative, tech-powered, and hands-on music afterschool programs, where kids aged 5-14 learn music composition through video games and technologies to become the next generation of creative leaders!
Level up musical skills Unleash inner rock star Dive into music, tech, and STEAM
Our Supporters
Join us in redefining the future of music education
"I like Overture because it gets me to keep playing. I was a bit late to my baseball game because I wanted to keep playing Intervallic!"
Middle School Student
"What you are doing is different than what a lot of people in my age would have done. You are in tune with the sensibilities that young people would have, and I really appreciate that!"
Jeff Kleinsorge
President at ISMTA
"What I would say to other program directors who are considering Overture: take the launch, take the punch, and get involved!"
Clarence Hogan
Director of CYC-Sidney Epstein Youth Center
"I would absolutely recommend Overture to anyone of my colleagues who wish to bring more music to their students in a special way."
Devin Swift
Director of CYC Perspectives IIT Academy
Our Philosophy: Music is STEM
Our science-backed curriculum integrates STEM concepts into music learning